Computer Science meets LIFE🧬 – Part 1

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The True Face of Humanism

(..) anyone saw it? (..) do we ever truly get to see it? Could we? How do we protect ourselves from neural networks, running mischievous thoughts within other peoples’ heads? How do we stand up strong, while centralized media tubes attempt to manipulate us? Heads up! Wizards🧙🧙‍♀️ got you covered 🤗 The more of us, the stronger we become🙏

People like to possess. It is implemented within DNA🧬 of braincells running software, within the heads🧠 of theirs. It is ‘good’ to have. It is sexy to show off. We know it. Ants know it. Those who don’t – those are ‘fools’. May the silence of the Universe oscillate with inner peace within their souls🙏 Alas, in the end, we will all be There Rejoice!

Possession is not everything, though. Every now and then, people need to share in order to co-operate and collaborate. Were it not for collaboration, we would never had been able to kill🔫 the very First Mammoth🐘 Alas, our first babies👶 would had gotten eaten by Smilodons🐯 lurking into (..) our Shiny Stony Home🏠 Caves. Still, every being needs to eat.

Home is where your Heart❤️ belongs and Rejoice! as we shall need to flee Simlodons🐯 and Mammoths🐘 no more!

How the extinction of ice age mammals may have forced us to invent civilisation

Oh come on (..) everyone needs to EAT😋Everyone is implemented🧠 to be (..) Hungry.

Now (..) have you seen a Mammoth🐘 lately?

And indeed (..) Scary Simlodons🐯 evolved into Home Kitties🐱 where now their and our hearts belong ❤️

(..) Over and over again (…) at certain points of time-and-space✨ (..) In order to possess, people are ready to.. kill🔫 Not only Mammoths🐘🐘, but ones of their own👪 as well. Talk about points in space-time✨ where thingsgo wrong‘.. very wrong😔

Who defines wrong? Hold on (..) was it (..) is it stillnot The One or a group of people who happened / managed to get to what we call 🤙 Power?

Like it or notOur species happen to be the smartest animals (yes, we are) around!

Wait a sec (..) relax (…) Shouldn’t we be able to prevent things going wrong😔 ? (..) 🤔

(..)as it seems, even in our century (..) in the days of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and ultra-fast internet connectivity (..) people are still extremely prone to brain-programming (..) i.e. brain-washing. People can be banned from Twitter (..) or when those in Power see fit – They (the Lords and Good Pappas) can disable Twitter or another centralized service nation-wide (..) so to brain🧠-wash their citizens🤖 even more (..) ‘effectively.

Year 2022
(5G networks, atomic bombs and space stations)

Wait a sec (..) 2022 and we’re seeing gymnast wearing (..) brand-new swastika-like brandings?(..) Wake me up Scotty!

Year 1946
(the times of Hitler🤮)

Seeing any kind of resemblance? Didn’t we get any smarter?

Now, let us take a look at our mother Nature, shall we?

How does Nature thwart ‘things going wrong’ (😔) ?

  • Nature is not ‘perfect’. Still, it does everything it can..  The Universe✨ evolves. It allows for both weak and The Strong.
  • The pain and Love❤️

Otherwise, everything and everyone around would be immortal walking beauties. Is someone giving you another perspective ? Well, that is his or her interpretation of the Reality i.e. based on what he or she perceives. Others just may not give a slightest f*** and Rejoice! let us contemplate in the beauty of #freedom🕊️ and decentralization🤗

  • It kills🔫 It does. Like it or not. As it turns out, sometimes for something better and beautiful to emerge, the previous has to say bye bye👋 

How do we decide (reach consensus? Rejoice!) who would be a Good Papa to decide? Only through Decentralization can we see who we truly are✨

  • It replicates. It duplicates🧬
  • Day by day, hour by hour; it ends up improved. Rejoice!

(..) as the  Universe✨ evolves (..) as we evolve (..) we surely might let the technology evolve as we go along (..) let it improve our species at a faster pace (..) it is high-time for technology to truly improve the way we Organize and Co-Operate as species🙏

DNA🧬 duplication and replication.

Engineers borrow from mother Nature, like a lot😊

Our species learned a lot from our beloved mother Nature by now. Let us now improve upon it, shall we?😊

They learn from it. They duplicate (..) they replicate🤭 (throw away those dirty thoughts of yours at once!😆).

Scientists and Engineers, the smart folks, they introduce redundancy into the creations of theirs😇

When one element misbehaves,– another one takes over.

The more redundancy, the higher the costs, the better fault-tolerance is achieved. Rejoice!

Now, no matter how much we duplicate and replicate.. what good would it be for, had the entire system depended on, or could be affected by a faulty software (..) running on faulty braincells (..) within one’s faulty head🧠?

Diktatoren: Adolf Hitler - Diktatoren - Geschichte - Planet Wissen

History shows that a ‘Faulty’ neural network could affect other neural networks. 

Such a situation could have dramatical consequences had a faulty neural network gained too much power. Too much control. Still,  Rejoice!

For Science already has a solution🤗 It is called – decentralization.

What one wants depends on where one stands and what one sees. Politicians and other funky fellas surely are useful; but why don’t we lay almost everything on the shoulders of decentralized voting and consensus? Just to see what we all are truly worth? Those shoulders can be very strong. Protected by the laws of physics 🙏 The more of us the stronger we become! Rejoice!✨

Questions is (..)  could we all be standing in same spot, seeing same beautiful things?😍 No matter how romantic it may sound; it’s impossible. We differ way too much. We want different things. Now, even if we were all the same, we would be looking from different places and thus the perspective would still differ. And in the end, don’t you ever forget..

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Software running in our heads would always differ more or less (..) Rejoice!

We see (..) and our neural network fires  (…) once it fires,  (….) we act;   (…..) like an army of bio-mechanical robots👾

In the past, there was no escaping of lazily formed hierarchies as they allowed for efficiency.

(..) Once Good Pappas take their seats they have a tendency to see what’s beneath them less and less  (..)

Are hierarchies bad?😕 not at all! They are a blessing instead!🤗  (and blessed be those who saw the Wizardous Holy Tome!)✨

They allow for efficiency. Our brains are impressive, still! Would you will to have your head occupied with each and every matter? In your family ? maybe. But of each and every family within a country ? Planet🌎? Would you like others to affect your family👪 ?

(..) At the age of 40, are we in need of Good Pappas telling us what to read? Telling us what to hear? Papapapa.. Pa Pa? (…) are we ready to presume that our own heads (….) our own neural networks are to be assumed as faulty? That these (..) cannot process? are we to assume that say (…) all women are walking psychopaths not capable of assessing some of the most difficult decisions? (….) or that a leader of one of the largest nations on day A is OK, while on day A+1 he is seated by major ‘media’ on grounds close to those of terrorists?..isn’t that scary? after having done explicitly .. like.. nothing? F*** it. we NEED decentralized media.

Real life implementations of communism turned out to be highly inefficient indeed. We need efficient dynamic hierarchies, social structures and open markets.

Above everything, we need proper decentralized technology to allow for these to form.

Efficiency or not lots of people would always like to be at the very top. Power is sexy, showing off is sexy, wouldn’t you agree?

What’s ahead?

Decentralized Hierarchies. Structures. Communities. Open markets. Powered by Decentralized Technology.

We must let people collaborate and cooperate for themselves🙏

We are in need of virtual, abstract papas and puppets no more. The technology is in place. And we need to uncover who we truly are.

While, people like to follow. Some of us like to lead instead. We are not all the same. It’s a lie It is in our DNA🧬. Both to lie, to lead and to follow.

Stay tuned for second part of this article, showcasing how to utilize Decentralized Autonomous Organization  (DAO) functionalities of GRIDNET OS🙏

Let us never forget (..) true heroes, they are all around. The Big and The Small.

From the Old Wizard’s 🧙 Tome: “(..) where at least two or three stride in my name (..) there Decentralization and Freedom🕊️  are to prevail (..)” Rejoice!🙏





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