DAO API for Next-Gen Decentralized Social Platforms

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I. Preface

Once upon a time in a world not too far away, lived a stressed-out developer named Codey. From the break of dawn till the stroke of midnight, Codey was haunted by an army of terrifying thoughts. Database nightmares, hosting horrors, uptime ogres, and the fearsome monster of handling large traffic – these were the bane of Codey's existence. His life was an endless roller coaster ride, hurtling from one crisis to another. When asked about it, Codey would say with a sigh, "It's not easy being me."

(..) as long as we do not have horrors of Centralization lurking from behind (..)

Parallel to Codey's universe, in a digital town called SocialMediaLand, resided a concerned citizen named Clicky. Clicky was a jovial, opinionated, and socially active chap, but there was one tiny problem – his views were as diverse as the colors of a rainbow, something that didn't go well with the grey-loving CEO and stern administrators of SocialMediaLand. The specter of a sudden account ban hung over Clicky's head like a stormy cloud, casting a long shadow over his cheerful digital life.

Yet another day in Centralized SocialMediaLand (..)


Now, what if I told you there was a magical solution that could swipe away the woes of our dear friends, Codey and Clicky? What if I told you about a land of decentralization, where uptime is a faithful friend, handling traffic is a breeze, and your social presence is as unshakeable as a mountain? Welcome, my friend, to the world of decentralized operating systems, a place where developers can work without incessant worry and users can express their views freely. It’s time to turn our backs to the days of data dread and step into a world of peace, freedom, and delightful possibilities. Buckle up and join us as we venture into this brave new world!


As we discover what lies ahead, we invite you to join our forums  here.  Decentralized systems are all about community. There's a forum app available for both iOS and Android. Once you've registered make sure to say Hello to receive a Special Welcome Package, available to initial 10 000 visitors, so hurry! Everyone is eligible.


Let's keep rolling. If you're anything like us, then you too have spent sleepless nights lamenting over server downtimes, pesky database errors, and those ever-so-demanding CEOs who think "the cloud" is a fluffy thing in the sky. Yes, it's true. Once upon a time, we were all entangled in the wild, wild web of centralized systems.

Long were the days when the mere thought of building an application led to an avalanche of concerns: finding the right hosting service, maintaining a centralized database system, and don't get us started on the quandaries of deployments. And the cherry on top when taking the end-user's perspective? The looming shadow of Big Brother and money-hungry corporates, ever-ready to sniff out our private data or delete our years' worth of social accounts on a whim. Talk about living on the edge!

But, oh, how the tables have turned! With the advent of decentralized operating systems, it's time to bid farewell to our nightmares and step into the bright dawn of a new era. Welcome to a world where you, yes you, hold the power. More! The community for which you create the application may hold the power! Yes, the content may get away from your control, should you wish for this to be possible during design-time. As we will covered the decentralized governance is optional for the entire app or particular portions of it. No more worrying about hosting services, no more fretting about centralized databases, no more bended-knee requests to Mr. CEO. And if you are a user it's no more worrying about getting your account banned if your political believes do not align with those of an 'administrator'.

This, dear developer, is the age of decentralization - the age of freedom, privacy, and most importantly, peace of mind. It's time to turn the tables and take the reins back into your hands, where they rightly belong. This, dear user is the time when you can speak our freely without worrying about the safety of your online identity. Are you ready to dive in? Because we sure are!

II. Introduction

Dear Codey and Clicky, we've created this guide with both of you in mind. Yes, you heard it right. This isn't just another techno-gabble manual for the developers nor is it merely a skimmed user guide, this is a unique road map to the future of Internet applications that both of you will find intriguing and liberating. We are after nothing less but showcasing you, in the form of a tutorial how to build and deploy a fully decentralized interactive, Reddit-like application for the masses. While this tutorial is an oversimplification of the task at hand it surely does contain and reference sufficient documentation for you to start building decentralized social media platforms yourself. And remember, should you run into any sort of trouble our community forums are out there to help.

Did you know? The Special Welcome Package contains assets which allow to take the entire system for a test-drive, to deploy one's first decentralized application, to store some files (..) maybe a decentralized website? And who knows, maybe you would rather save some of those coins  and enjoy as their value increasingly appreciates!

For Codey, our stressed-out developer, we're going to walk you through the intricacies of decentralized operating systems. We'll show you how to unlock the potential of brand-new decentralized technologies like GridScript and GridScript++, and how they can revolutionize the way you build applications. Gone are the days of worrying about database management, uptime, hosting services, and traffic. With these tools, you'll be able to code without worry, focusing on your application's core functionality rather than its upkeep. Who's going to maintain the assets? A decentralized network of nodes. What technologies are you to use? Your favourites - JavaScript, HTML5, CSS - for the most oof it. The rest are GridScript++ and GridScript programming languages which are backwards compatible with JavaScript and Bash (yes the Linux scripting thing). Read on, you won't regret it.

As for Clicky, our socially-active digital citizen, we're going to give you a peek into the future of social platforms. You'll discover how decentralized operating systems give power back to the users, allowing you to express your rainbow of opinions without the fear of being banned. You'll also get an overview of how this technology could affect your social media experience, the new solutions to look out for, and even get some insights that might help you with your investment decisions as the project is to arrive at exchanges anytime soon; so as you might not need to focus on the details of this article, feel invited to skim through it, to grasp some of the overall (unprecedented) possibilities made possible by a decentralized operating system technology.


This is more than an article; it's an exciting journey into the future of Internet applications. Whether you're Codey, Clicky, or somewhere in between, there's something here for you. So grab your coffee, get comfortable, and let's take a dive into the world of decentralization!

III. ⋮⋮⋮ GRIDNET OS - the very first decentralized operating system, is it?

If you are not yet familiar with the term "decentralized operating system," then it is the high time to jump on this bandwagon. GRIDNET OS, the world's first decentralized operating system, has started a wave that's changing the face of technology as we know it. You can gain a comprehensive understanding of its architectural concepts in a peer-reviewed research paper, available  here.

In a Decentralized SeocialMediaLand spirits are way higher!

Today, we're going to plunge, even though briefly, into the depths of two pioneering programming languages you might not have heard of yet - GridScript and GridScript++. These languages are to GRIDNET OS what JavaScript is to the Internet. They empower you to interact with the decentralized operating system, create smart contracts, manage file systems, and more. These powerful languages make it possible to build anything from a simple calculator app to a fully decentralized Reddit. You might have heard the term 'smart contract' before. Somewhere in your head you know it's associated with 'Ethereum' project and that these are created in a language called Solidity, nobody knows how to use and those 'smart-contracts' are implemented for things that 99.9999% of people won't ever need. We're feeling you. Worry not. Here 'smart contracts' are called 'Core Applications' and these bring the possibilities to a whole new dimension.

The computer vision enabled Wallet app is available for both iOS here and Android here. Developers? You may want to apply for a Development Grant. Social media apps, decentralized games, business applications, apps involving cross-browser communication - all ideas are welcome.

Whether you're a seasoned developer like Codey or a tech enthusiast like Clicky, the next sections will give you valuable insights into the futuristic capabilities of GridScript and GridScript++. So, tighten your seatbelts and get ready for an exciting ride into the future of programming!

Brief overview of GridScript and GridScript++

GridScript (1.0) and GridScript++ are two versions of the GridScript language, each designed for unique tasks within the GRIDNET operating system,- the world's first decentralized operating system. The two complement each other. Their design aims to address different aspects of interacting with the decentralized systems, smart contracts, and blockchain functionalities within this ecosystem.

In brief: think of GridScript as your Bash-like Linux scripting language and of GridScript++ as your go-to JavaScript-like object oriented language for decentralized applications.

GridScript was originally created to function as both a low-level language for Core Applications and an interactive real-time user commands' interpreter to empower the concept of  a decentralized operating system. It could be compared to Bash which operates in a typical Linux environment. GridScript allows users to interact with the GRIDNET OS, execute commands, manage files, and interact with the underlying state-machine which in turned is based on  blockchain technology. Today we are to cover Decentralized Autonomous Organization functionaliies of GRIDNET OS. One notable feature of GridScript is its poll utility, which is a part of the DAO Voting API and allows the creation and management of polls within the decentralized system.

GridScript++, on the other hand, was designed as an object-oriented language that rivals Solidity, as already mentioned - a language used for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. GridScript++ also introduces an advanced set of features, functionalities, and a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) API that facilitates the development of decentralized applications. GridScript++ is more high-level compared to GridScript and is used to build complex, object-oriented software that runs directly on the GRIDNET OS's decentralized state machine. Under the hood, GridScript++ may employ elements of GridScript.

For a detailed introduction to GridScript++and comparison with Solidity see here.

These two languages are not mutually exclusive; they complement each other in many ways.  Indeed, oftentimes GridScript++ transparently translates invocations to their GridScript counterparts under the hood. GridScript is compiled into byte-code while GridScript++ is always interpreted. In this way, they provide developers with a comprehensive, versatile toolset for building and interacting with decentralized applications and systems on GRIDNET OS.

IV. The purpose and importance of the ⋮⋮⋮ DAO API

The DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) API is a core feature of the GRIDNET OS that allows for the creation and management of decentralized applications in a way that emphasizes the importance of community involvement, power distribution, and self-governance.

For a detailed introduction to the Polling API of GridScript see here.

In traditional social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, and Facebook, the content moderation is typically in the hands of centralized authorities. CEOs, politicians, administrators - these are the entities who have the final say on what is allowed, what should be flagged, and which accounts can or cannot participate in the discourse. This often results in arbitrary and opaque decision-making, where users are at the mercy of the platform administrators.

Contrary to this centralized approach, GRIDNET OS embraces a decentralized governance model where the community has a key role in moderating and guiding the content and operations of the decentralized applications. The DAO API is the tool that allows this transition of power to the community. It enables the creation of platforms where the content is moderated not by a select few but by the collective decision of the users involved. The importance of the DAO API cannot be overstated. It is not only about creating a more democratic and transparent system of governance within decentralized applications; it is also about respecting the creators' autonomy.

Developers, users, content providers - everyone is happier as incentives lay within.  Instant payments are a breeze.

We believe, authors of applications, content creators, and forum creators have the right and ability to define precisely how decentralized governance operates within their applications. They have the choice of whether or not to incorporate decentralized governance at all. We believe it's all about having a choice. Should you wish to create a forum app which is centralized on your behalf but maintained by a decentralized network of nodes - it's entirely possible on GRIDNET OS. It's your choice. Or you may choose just portions of your app to be governed by others with you having partial or no control over these sections what so ever. Others will know exactly how your app works because it will always be open source.

This focus on autonomy and decentralization is a rejection of the one-size-fits-all approach to content moderation and governance often seen in traditional platforms. It allows each community to define and enforce its rules, with the understanding that what works for one community may not necessarily work for another. The ⋮⋮⋮ DAO API provides a foundation for decentralized governance but leaves the specifics to be defined by the individual communities.

We believe that humanity inherently leans towards the good and that the collective wisdom of a community can be trusted to govern the contents of the decentralized system and the applications running on it. The ⋮⋮⋮ DAO API is the manifestation of this belief, and the technology that makes it a reality within GRIDNET OS.

Introduction and explanation of GridScript (without the '++' suffix)

GridScript is an integral part of the GRIDNET OS, serving as its primary scripting language. This programming tool is designed to interact seamlessly with the GRIDNET OS's decentralized operating system environment, providing an efficient and straightforward way for developers to create, manage, and enhance applications. Built to harness the unique features of a decentralized system, GridScript offers an API interface to interact with decentralized file systems, data-stores, computational and other resources available in the GRIDNET environment. The language is constructed with a focus on system-level interactions, specifically designed for scripting the OS-level tasks, file management, and interfacing with the blockchain-based functionalities of GRIDNET OS.

In terms of syntax, GridScript follows a model that is easily understandable and familiar to developers and power-users of operating systems such as Linux and Microsoft Windows as commands are largely backwards compatible with its predecessors. This approach aids in reducing the learning curve for new users, allowing them to focus more on leveraging the unique features of the GRIDNET OS rather than spending time deciphering the language. One of the standout features of GridScript is the support for creating and managing DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). It includes a Voting API that lets developers interact with the voting/polling extension of the decentralized file system, which forms the basis for DAO-related operations. The inherent voting utility offered by GridScript, for instance, allows for setting up and interacting with polls tied to any object in the decentralized file system. This provides a basis for implementing decentralized governance and decision-making within applications. That becomes obvious once one fathoms that results of a poll can autonomously release assets associated with an account or case a file being autonomously removed. The file may be anything from a forum post to a directory containing many threads of a decentralized social media platform.

The operating system includes powerful security features. It introduces the concept of an Identity Token, - think of it as you online identity, which is required to perform certain actions such as creating new polls or casting votes. The Identity Token is associated with the user's State-Domain (an account maintained by the decentralized network of nodes) and is based on the amount of GBUs (GNC)- the system intrinsic crypto assets, that were "sacrificed" to create the Identity Token. This feature not only enhances security but also lays a foundation for participatory actions within the decentralized system. GridScript provides a versatile, powerful, and secure programming tool for developers working within the GRIDNET OS. Its unique features make it possible to harness the full potential of a decentralized system, promoting the creation of a new generation of decentralized applications.

V. The poll command in GridScript

The poll utility is a significant part of GridScript's Voting API. It allows users to interact with the voting/polling extension of the decentralized file system, setting up polls associated with any object in the system as querying polls for their current state. The command can be used both for voting, for creating new polls and for querying their status. Importantly, the results of these polls, once associated with accounts or particular folders or files - these  can override default access rights, also explicit access rights assigned through Access Control Entries, enabling even more flexibility and control in a decentralized environment. Indeed, think of a decentralized data store with elements whose not only presence by particular access rights are fully governed by the community, possibly not even by the application's creator.

Detailed Explanation of poll Utility

The poll utility is primarily used for setting up and interacting with polls within the GRIDNET OS environment. These polls have two types: kernel mode and user mode. Kernel mode polls, with an identifier less than 10, may automatically affect Access Control Lists (ACLs) and thus Access Control Entries (ACEs) associated with the corresponding objects on the decentralized file system, if automatic triggers enabled.


One of the defining features of these polls is their two-tier voting structure. There are two levels of 'voters'. Level-2 voters 'back' voters in Tier-1. This layered voting system creates an engaging way to interact with the system and enhances the democratic nature of the voting process. Users may vote vote for others without the latter even being aware. Voting power is proportional to the amount of GBUs (GNC) that were 'sacrificed' to create a GRIDNET Identity Token associated with the user's State-Domain. This feature ties the voting mechanism to the economic model of the GRIDNET OS, making sure that the voting process is Sybil-proof.

Community members may vote for themselves of decide to back the others.

Polls may have automatic triggers associated, which  may cause security descriptors associated with corresponding objects being modified. Indeed, we may have a poll causing the file being deleted once a threshold voting power assigned by community is reached, we may have the owner of an object changed (of a file, folder or an entire account etc.), write-access permissions to a file re-assigned dynamically to a person proposed by the community. The privileges could be then inherited down the file-system tree autonomously without anyone's involvement.

Now does any other decentralized platform offer anything close to what we describe? Not by a light-year. Even though in theory one could implement arbitrary logic with Solidity, the former does not have a concept of a file-system to begin with. There's no concept of access rights. There's no concept of a user interface.  Decentralized applications with an UI which is decentralized do not exist on Ethereum. Ethereum cannot process your instructions and produce results in real-time. It's in fact light years behind.

VI. Practical Examples of ⋮⋮⋮ Poll Usage in GridScript

Yes, for now we're sticking with GridScript,  not GridScript++.

Example 1: Kernel-Mode Poll with WRITE Access

Let's consider you want to somebody to gain WRITE access permission to a file named "example.txt" located on a decentralized file system. What you need is to  create  a kernel-mode poll  and associate it with a file. Still, you after some customization of the requirements. You would somebody to gain WRITE access permission to a file but only once a candidate, let's call him a "winner" accumulates enough votes. The number of votes is measured as a cumulative voting power of all the voters who voted for a candidate. You want this to be equal to 5000 GNC. Recall that voters vote with Stakes associated with their Identity Tokens.

Now, how difficult could that be? To have such a mechanism deployed in place for a file?

poll /path/to/example.txt -create -write -activate -auto TRUE -threshold 5000

That's it. A single command with a couple of parameters most of which are optional. In this example, the path to the file `/path/to/example.txt` follows immediately after the poll command ,so the system knows which file system object the poll is to be associated with.  Then, -create indicated an action, which here indicated creation of a new poll,  -write signifies it's a write-access poll, -activate starts the poll in-place, -auto TRUE enables automatic actions upon reaching the threshold, and `-threshold 5000` sets the voting threshold to 5000 GNC. Once the voting threshold is reached, the 'winner' of the poll would automatically be granted WRITE access to "example.txt". It's that simple indeed.

In addition, do note the versatility of  GridScript as multiple actions to the poll utility have been provided (poll creation and activation). GridScript is smart enough to allow you for multiple actions being specified through the use of multiple switches such as -create, -vote, etc., in this case, highlighting the flexibility and extensive configurability of the poll utility. The order of actions provided doesn't matter. The system takes care to ensure the correct sequence of operations at all times. For instance, a poll is always created (if not already present) before it is activated. However, do note that a superset of all the required arguments needs to be provided to the poll GridScript command for successful execution. We might have as well included another action (through a '-vote' switch) which would cause the user own account to issue a vote as well - all three actions would be evaluated from a single GridScript command. Feeling excited already? Feel invited to experiment and report on our forums. All these mechanics are publicly available and nodes maintaining the  ⋮⋮⋮ are ready across the globe (some of which are deployed at some of the most prominent universities) to serve.

Example 2: File Removal Kernel-Mode Poll

In another scenario, you might want to create a kernel-mode poll for the removal of a file called "remove.txt" once a threshold score is reached.

poll /path/to/remove.txt -create -remove -activate -auto TRUE -threshold 7000

Here, -remove is used instead of -write, indicating it's a file removal poll. The rest of the parameters function similarly. Once the voting threshold of 7000 GNC is reached, "remove.txt" will be automatically removed from the system.

Believe it or not, the poll command in GridScript is designed to be user-friendly (that was supposed to be funny), and extensive help resources are readily available.


Users can access the detailed manual pages of the poll utility at any time by simply typing `poll -help` in the Virtual Terminal Interface. This comprehensive manual can be accessed whether you're logged in via a Secure Shell (SSH) or using the Virtual Terminal of the  ⋮⋮⋮ Terminal UI dApp (make sure to check it for some wonderful WebGL experience).

Remember, GridScript was designed to empower users with control and flexibility. By making full use of the comprehensive 'help' guides associated with many of the commands and utilities, you can optimize your GridScript annd thus GRIDNET OS experience according to your needs and preferences.

VII. Interchangeable Usage of GridScript  and GridScript++

Get ready to chuckle, because GridScript comes with a twist you wouldn't expect in a thousand CPU cycles. It's like Batman and Robin, Laurel and Hardy, Fish and Chips - GridScript and GridScript++ can not only co-exist in the same environment, they're practically finishing each other's sentences. This feature isn't just great, it's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

So, whether you're playing with codes in your secret coding lair or battling complex programming problems, these dynamic duos got you covered. And the cherry on top? They open up a pandora's box of possibilities, making things feasible that you once only dreamed of in your wildest programming fantasies. How's that for a plot twist!

GridScript++ was designed to work seamlessly with GridScript, enabling developers to leverage the strengths of both languages. For instance, you might use GridScript for simpler tasks, like file operations or system commands, thanks to its straightforward, easy-to-read amd brief syntax. Meanwhile, for more complex tasks, such as those involving intricate logic or advanced data structures, you might prefer the power and flexibility of GridScript++ due many modern data-filtering facilities, functional programming and support of the object-oriented paradigm. For tech-savy fellas do know that while it might not be imminent on first sight, GridScript is backwards compatible with Forth (now that is sort of unbelievable, is it not, having seen the fancy support of in-line optional arguments), we actually took Forth and kept extending it for many years to arrive at the current implementation of GridScript. It is decentralized state-machine aware, includes lots of cryptography related constructs and it surely does support inline arguments to accommodate appropriate end-user experience when acting as an entry-point to the very first decentralized operating system.

VIII. Interoperability Through the 'evalGS' Command

GridScript and GridScript++ are interoperable indeed. The interchangeability of GridScript  and GridScript++ is enabled primarily through the use of the evalGS  and evalGPP commands. These command allows you to execute a string of GridScript commands within a GridScript++ environment and vice-versa, respectively.

Here is a simple example of how to use the 'evalGS' command:

var command = "poll /path/to/example -create";

In this example, the evalGS command takes a string argument that represents a GridScript command. It then executes that command, allowing you to perform operations defined in GridScriptdirectly from GridScript++.

This level of interoperability provides a significant advantage to developers by offering them the flexibility to choose the best tool for each part of their project. It also enhances code readability and maintainability, as you can use GridScript for simpler tasks and reserve GridScript++ for the more complex parts of your codebase. The two languages complement each other beautifully, providing a robust and versatile programming environment for developers.

Continuing with the theme of interoperability, it's worth noting that not only can you execute GridScript  commands from a GridScript++ environment, but you can also do the reverse. This is made possible with the evalgpp command. The 'evalgpp' command allows you to execute GridScript++ commands directly from a GridScript environment, further enhancing the flexibility and power of the GridScript ecosystem.

For instance, let's consider the following example:

evalgpp "DAO.createPoll('object1', PollType.WRITE);"

In this case, we are using the evalgpp command to execute a GridScript++ code directly from a GridScript environment. This line of code, DAO.createPoll('object1', PollType.WRITE);, corresponds to the creation of a new WRITE access poll for the object named 'object1' in the DAO framework of GridScript++. This would accomplish the very same result as executing former "poll object1 -create -write" command in a GridScript environment.

The results of the execution of this command would be displayed directly within the Virtual Terminal, offering immediate feedback for testing and debugging purposes. This may be an extremely handy tool for developers looking to test the functionality of their GridScript++ commands directly from a GridScript  terminal environment. With the evalgpp command, developers are equipped with an even greater degree of flexibility. Depending on the task at hand, they can opt to use either GridScript or GridScript++ and are free to move back and forth between the two as needed. This kind of interoperability is truly one of the standout features of the GridScript ecosystem and thus of GRIDNET OS.

Whoa, hold your horses, or rather, grab your coffee cup! This tale of code isn't done surprising you yet. You thought GridScript and GridScript++ getting along like a house on fire was the end? Well, guess what? Plot twist number two is here, and it's a blockbuster!

So, brace yourselves. Are you seated? Maybe consider strapping yourself in for this. What if I told you... drumroll please... both these languages can be evaluated from...wait for it...JavaScript, right in your Web Browser! Yes, you read that right. No typos here.

Your coffee's probably spraying out of your mouth right now. Good thing we warned you to hold it tightly. Hold onto your wits too, because there's plenty more where that came from. Stay tuned!

IX. How this improves upon what we knew

The introduction of decentralized access rights' provisioning in GridScript is a significant breakthrough in the field of decentralized systems. Traditionally, access rights to system resources, such as files or data structures, are provisioned centrally by system administrators or automatically by the system's software. GridScript's innovation, however, empowers the community to manage access rights through decentralized consensus mechanisms. It is indeed an unprecedented step in fostering decentralization and community governance in digital systems.

The core of this innovation is the ability for decentralized polls to directly affect security descriptors of objects on the filesystem. A security descriptor is a data structure that contains the security information associated with a protected object. It identifies who owns the object and who can perform operations with it. With GridScript, the results of community polls can dictate these descriptors, meaning that the community, rather than central administrators, governs access rights.

Remember - both GridScript and GridScript++ can be evaluated, from JavaScript 0  from the scope of a web-browser.

Adding another layer of innovation to this, GridScript doesn't just enable this governance, it does so in real-time. The results of user commands are reflected immediately, thanks to the pioneering technology of Decentralized Processing Threads and the Deferred Authentication mechanism inherent to the GRIDNET OS. As commands are executed, users can see the impacts of their input instantly, providing a dynamic, responsive experience that is often lacking in traditional decentralized systems such as Ethereum.

Such technological innovation reflects a commitment to the decentralization ethos, embodying a shift in power dynamics from central authorities to a community-driven approach. It represents an exciting direction for the future of digital systems, making community members active participants in governance, rather than just passive users

X. GridScript++ DAO API Documentation

Alright folks, brace yourselves for a seismic shift! We're jumping off the GridScript ship (don't worry, we've got parachutes) and plunging right into the exciting jungle of GridScript++. Oh yes, we're going object-oriented now, folks! Get ready to say "Hello, Polls!" to a world of Classes, Objects, Inheritance and Encapsulation . If you're a GridScript loyalist, this might sound like we're planning to colonize Mars. But trust me, we've packed enough fuel for this exciting journey.

So, tie up your boots, we're about to tread into some new territories. And if you're still clutching onto GridScript like it's your grandma's favorite quilt, it's time to let go. Trust me, the turn ahead is as thrilling as binge-watching your next episode of your favorite Netflix series.

On the menu next is DAO API, but this time served together with GridScript++, here we come!

GridScript++ brings a new set of functionalities to access and interact with the ⋮⋮⋮  DAO API. The ⋮⋮⋮ DAO API exposes three main methods: createPoll, vote, and activatePoll, which are all accessible through the public DAO object. Additionally, an enum PollType is also available both globally and within the scope of the DAO object to allow you to specify the type of the poll, without resorting to numerical identifiers (all polls with an ID < 10 are Kernel-Mode Polls, remember?) . Here's an in-depth look at each function and their respective use cases.

How to access the system? From any device! Use SSH or the Decentralized User Interface  - simply connect from an SSH client or a web-browser with test.gridnet.org or any other node maintaining the network.

The PollType Enum

The PollType enum in GridScript++ is used to specify the type of poll that is being created. It has five possible values which are all accessible both globally and from the DAO object.

  • `WRITE`: Corresponds to the system poll with ID 0. A poll of this type determines who gains write access to the associated object.
  • `EXECUTE`: Corresponds to the system poll with ID 1. A poll of this type determines who gains execution privileges on the associated object.
  • `OWNERSHIP`: Corresponds to the system poll with ID 2. A poll of this type determines who becomes the owner of the associated object.
  • `REMOVE`: Corresponds to the system poll with ID 3. A poll of this type decides when the associated object should be removed.
  • `ASSETS`: Corresponds to the system poll with ID 4. A poll of this type determines who gains control over the assets.

How about polls identifiers in between of 4 and 10? These are reserved!

Example Usage

var pollType = DAO.PollType.WRITE; // This sets the poll type to WRITE


The `DAO.createPoll` function is used to create a new poll. The function takes two mandatory arguments and five optional arguments.

DAO.createPoll(name, type, threshold?, oneTimeAction?, autoTrigger?, exclusive?, noinheritance?)

Creates a poll and associates it with a file.
1.`name`: (required, string) This argument specifies the name of the object to which the poll is to be associated.
2.`type`: (required, PollType) This argument specifies the type of the poll being created. It must be one of the values from the PollType enum.
2. `threshold`: (optional, uint32) This argument sets the threshold score (in GNC, by default) needed for a 'winner' to be proclaimed. Default is 0.
3.`oneTimeAction`: (optional, boolean) If set to true, after the threshold value has been reached, for any candidate, the 'winner' would be proclaimed and the poll would be deactivated. Default is false.
4.'autoTrigger`: (optional, boolean) If set to true, triggers cause automatic default actions. Default is false.
5.`exclusive`: (optional, boolean) If set to true, creates a poll-element and establishes an exclusive group, if not already present. Default is false.
6.`noinheritance`: (optional, boolean) If set to true, disables inheritance for the poll. Default is false.
7.`description`: (optional, string) Sets a human-readable description which can be viewed by others.

IMPORTANT: the function supports parameter aggregators.

Example Usage:

DAO.createPoll("file.txt", DAO.PollType.WRITE, 100, true, true, true, true);

or one may choose to use a parameter aggregator instead:

// Initialize a GridScript++ object with the required properties
const pollParams = {
name: "ShouldWeSwitchTech",
type: 1, // Assuming 1 is a valid PollType value
threshold: 60,
oneTimeAction: true,
autoTrigger: true,
exclusive: false,
noinheritance: false
// Call the function, passing the object as an argument
const pollResult = DAO.createPoll(pollParams);

In this example, a new poll is created for the "file.txt" object. The poll type is set to WRITE. The threshold is set to 100 GNC. The poll is set to be deactivated after reaching the threshold, automatic default actions are enabled, the poll is exclusive, and inheritance is disabled.


The `DAO.vote` function is used to issue a vote within a specific poll. It takes one required argument and up to two optional arguments.

DAO.vote(objectName, pollID?, candidate?)

Issues a vote in a poll associated with an object on the decentralized file system.
1.`objectName`: (required, string) This argument specifies the name of the object associated with the poll in which the vote is to be cast.
2.`pollID`: (optional, uint) This argument specifies the numerical identifier of the existing poll where the vote is to be cast. If no poll identifier is provided, all active user-mode polls would be selected automatically.
3. `candidate`: (optional, string) This argument specifies whom to vote for (Level-2 Vote). The target must already be on the list as a Level-1 candidate.

Example Usage:

DAO.vote("art.png", Poll.Ownership, "Bob");// voting for Bob to become the new owner of 'art.png'

or one may choose to use a parameter aggregator instead:
// Initialize a GridScript++ object with the required properties
const pollParams = {
name: "art.png",
pollID: Poll.Ownership,
candidate: "Bob"
// Call the function, passing the object as an argument
const pollResult = DAO.vote(pollParams);

In this example, a vote is cast in the poll with ID 10 associated with "file.txt". The vote is cast for "Bob", who must already be a Level-1 candidate in the specified poll.


The `DAO.activatePoll` function is used to activate a poll. The function takes one required argument and one optional argument.

DAO.activatePoll(objectName, pollID?);

- Parameters:
1.`name`: (required, string) This argument specifies the name of the object associated with the poll to be activated.
2.`pollID`: (optional, uint) This argument specifies the numerical identifier of the poll to be activated. If no poll identifier is provided, all inactive user-mode polls would be selected automatically.

Example Usage:

DAO.activatePoll("ShouldWeSwitchTech", 10);

or you may choose to use a paramter aggregator instead:

// Initialize a GridScript++ object with the required properties
const pollParams = {
name: "ShouldWeSwitchTech",
// Call the function, passing the object as an argument
const pollResult = DAO.activatePoll(pollParams);

or you may choose to use a paramter aggregator instead:

// Initialize a GridScript++ object with the required properties
const pollParams = {
name: "ShouldWeSwitchTech",
type: 1, // Assuming 1 is a valid PollType value
threshold: 60,
oneTimeAction: true,
autoTrigger: true,
exclusive: false,
noinheritance: false
// Call the function, passing the object as an argument
const pollResult = DAO.createPoll(pollParams);

In this example, the poll with ID 10 associated with "file.txt" is activated.

Usage Scenario

Suppose you want to create a poll on a file named "file.txt" to determine who should gain write access. In this scenario, the following steps could be taken:

  1. Create a new poll with WRITE access:
    DAO.createPoll("file.txt", DAO.PollType.WRITE, 100, true, true, true, false);
  2. Activate the poll to enable for the voting process:
    DAO.activatePoll("file.txt", 10);
    //do know that others would not be able to interact with the poll unless it's activated!
  3. Issue a vote in the created poll for a Level-1 candidate named "Bob"DAO.vote("file.txt", 10, "Bob");

In this scenario, the poll will run until the threshold of 100 GNC is reached. Once the threshold is reached, "Bob" will be granted write access to the "file.txt" object, and the poll will be deactivated.

XI. Examples

This section aims to illustrate potential applications of the functionalities available in the GRIDNET OS, specifically to aid the development of decentralized social media platforms. We'll present a hypothetical example of creating a decentralized Reddit-like platform using the provided APIs. Remember, with GRIDNET's decentralized file system, there's no longer a need for centralized databases or hosting providers. The design and development process is as decentralized as the end product itself.


To effectively represent this concept, we'll divide our example into several sub-sections:

Creating File System Hierarchy for a Decentralized Reddit-like Platform

Let's start by building a file system hierarchy to manage user posts and comments. The structure we are going to create could be visualized as follows:

  • /r/
    • /Subreddit1/
      • /Post1/
        • info.txt
        • /Comments/
      • /Post2/
        • info.txt
        • /Comments/
    • /Subreddit2/
      • /Post1/
        • info.txt
        • /Comments/

Using the FileSystem API, we'll create a structure that mimics the hierarchy of subreddits and posts that exist in a Reddit-like platform.

// Create a subreddit directory
const subredditDir = Filesystem.createDirectory("r/Subreddit1");
if (!subredditDir.success) {
console.error("Failed to create directory: "+ subredditDir.error);
// Create a post directory inside the subreddit
const postDir = Filesystem.createDirectory("r/Subreddit1/Post1");
if (!postDir.success) {
console.error("Failed to create directory: "+ postDir.error);
// Create a comments directory inside the post
const commentsDir = Filesystem.createDirectory("r/Subreddit1/Post1/Comments");
if (!commentsDir.success) {
console.error("Failed to create directory: "+ commentsDir.error);

In this example, a subreddit called `Subreddit1` is created along with a post named `Post1` within it. For each post, a `Comments` directory is created to store the comments related to the post. The contents of a post can be written into an `info.txt` file in the post directory. Similarly, each comment could be a text file within the `Comments` directory.

// Write data to a post
const postContent = "This is the content of the post.";
const writePost = Filesystem.writeFile("r/Subreddit1/Post1/info.txt", postContent);
if (!writePost.success) {
console.error("Failed to write data:"+ writePost.error);

By using the FileSystem API, you can create, write to, and read from files that represent various elements of a social media platform. Remember, this is just one way of implementing a Reddit-like platform. Your actual implementation can be as complex as you want, adding more layers, metadata, or a different structure as needed.

Setting Ownership and Permissions

Once we've created our files and directories to represent posts, comments, and subreddits, we'll need to set the ownership and permissions for each of these entities. Here, GridScript will be used in combination with GridScript++ to invoke CHOWN and SETFACL commands, similar to their Linux counterparts.

Example of changing ownership of a post:

# Change ownership of a post
chown 'username' /r/Subreddit1/Post1/info.txt

Setting permissions on a directory:

# Grant a user read access to a directory
setfacl -m u:username:r /r/Subreddit1

In this example, 'username' is the name of the user, and we are giving them read access to the `Subreddit1` directory. Similar commands can be used to set permissions for writing and executing.

Remember, in this decentralized environment, the owner of a file or directory has the authority to set pre-defined access rights. This ensures that only authorized users can access and modify certain files and folders.

Reacting to User Interface Mechanics

In a real-world application, the above operations would often be performed as a reaction to user actions on a user interface (UI) - perhaps a web interface written in HTML and CSS. For instance, when a user clicks a 'create post' button, your Javascript code might create a new directory and write the post content to a file, as shown in the earlier examples.


With GRIDNET OS, developers can create programs using GridScript++ that respond to these user interface mechanics.

You have two options for implementing this:

  • JavaScript Heavy: You could implement most of the logic in JavaScript, using GridScript++ or GridScript from the VMContext global object for specific tasks such as file write operations and poll creations.
  • GridScript++ Heavy: You could write most of the logic within GridScript++ and GridScript , and use JavaScript primarily to handle user interface mechanics.

For instance, if you wanted to use JavaScript to handle UI events and then perform file system operations in response to these events, your JavaScript code could look something like this:

document.getElementById('createPostButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
// Retrieve post information from UI elements
const postTitle = document.getElementById('postTitle').value;
const postContent = document.getElementById('postContent').value;
// Invoke GridScript++ to create a new post
const result = VMContext.evaluateGridScriptPlusPlus(`
const postDir = Filesystem.createDirectory("${postTitle}");
if (!postDir.success) {
return { success: false, error: postDir.error };
const writePost = Filesystem.writeFile("${postTitle}/info.txt", "${postContent}");
if (!writePost.success) {
return { success: false, error: writePost.error };
return { success: true };
if (result.success) {
console.log("Post created successfully.");
} else {
console.error("Failed to create post: " + result.error);

Remember, these are simplistic examples. In real-world applications, you'd likely need to handle more complexities, such as user authentication, input sanitization, and error handling.

In the next section, we'll go deeper into how we can utilize DAOs and voting systems to create a system for moderating and managing our decentralized Reddit-like platform. This includes techniques to ensure content quality, handle post voting, and moderate subreddit rules.

XII. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and Voting System for Moderation

In a decentralized social media platform, the traditional model of moderation (where a central authority decides what content is acceptable) doesn't work. Instead, we need a system where the community can collectively make decisions. This is where decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and voting systems come into play.

A DAO is a group organized around blockchain technology, where rules and decision making processes are enforced digitally. DAOs enable a community of people to make decisions collectively and in a transparent manner.

In the context of a decentralized Reddit-like platform, a DAO could be used to facilitate community moderation. Each subreddit could be thought of as a DAO, with members having the ability to vote on various matters, such as moderating content, electing moderators, and changing subreddit rules.

To implement a DAO, you could create a `dao.txt` file in each subreddit directory. This file could store the DAO's rules and the current state of any votes:


You can read and write to this file using the FileSystem API in a similar manner to the previous examples.

To facilitate voting, a `votes` directory could be created for each post or comment. Each vote could then be represented as a file within this directory, named after the user who cast the vote, with the contents of the file indicating the type of vote (e.g., upvote or downvote):


Here's an example of how a user might cast a vote using GridScript++:

// User casts a vote
const username = "user1";
const voteType = "upvote"; // Can also be "downvote"
// Write the vote to a file
const writeVote = Filesystem.writeFile(`/r/Subreddit1/Post1/votes/${username}.txt`, voteType);
if (!writeVote.success) {
console.error("Failed to cast vote!" );

This creates a transparent, tamper-proof record of each vote. To count the votes, you could simply read all the files in the `votes` directory and tally the upvotes and downvotes.

XIII. Reputation System

To incentivize user participation and good behavior, you could implement a reputation system. In our Reddit-like platform, a user's reputation could increase when their posts or comments are upvoted, and decrease when they're downvoted.

Decentralized SocialMediaLand feels so much brighter, with a place for everyone..

A user's reputation could be stored in a `reputation.txt` file in a directory named after the user:


The reputation file could be updated whenever a vote is cast:

// Update user's reputation
const reputationFile = `/Users/${username}/reputation.txt`;
// Read current reputation
const readResult = Filesystem.readFile(reputationFile);
let currentReputation = 0;
if (readResult.success) {
currentReputation = parseInt(new TextDecoder().decode(readResult.data));
} else {
console.error("Failed to read reputation: " + readResult.error);
// Update reputation based on vote
if (voteType === "upvote") {
} else if (voteType === "downvote" && currentReputation > 0) {
// Write updated reputation
const writeResult = Filesystem.writeFile(reputationFile, currentReputation.toString());
if (!writeResult.success) {
console.error("Failed to update reputation: " + writeResult.error);

Remember, these are just simple examples. In a real-world application, you might want to use more sophisticated rules for calculating reputation, and you'd also need to handle situations such as a user changing their vote or a post being deleted. In the final section we'll see into adding features like tip-based monetization and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for unique user-created content.

XIV. Built-In DAO Functions for Community Moderation

While you have the ability to implement your own voting system, GridScript++ also comes with a built-in DAO API that can be utilized to automate and simplify the process of community moderation in your decentralized Reddit-like platform. These built-in functions are designed to handle the intricacies of decentralized voting, providing an easy-to-use interface for developers.


In our example, you can use DAO.createPoll, DAO.activatePoll, and DAO.vote to associate kernel mode polls with file system objects used by your decentralized Reddit. Let's see how we can do this. First, we'll create a poll for a specific post. A poll can represent a vote on whether the post should be removed or kept, or perhaps whether the user should be banned from the subreddit.

// Create a poll
const pollParams = {
name = 'post.bin',
pollID: PollType.REMOVE,
description: "This post be removed?"
const createPollResult = DAO.createPoll(pollParams);
if (createPollResult) {
console.log("Poll created successfully. Poll ID: " + PollType.REMOVE);
} else {
console.error("Failed to create poll!");

After creating a poll, we'll activate it. Activation starts the voting period for a poll.

// Activate the poll
const activatePollResult = DAO.activatePoll('post.bin', PollType.REMOVE);
if (activatePollResult.success) {
console.log("Poll activated successfully.");
} else {
console.error("Failed to activate poll! ");

Now, the community can start voting on the poll. This is done using the DAO.vote function.

// Cast a vote
const username = "user1";
const voteParams = {
pollID: createPollResult.pollId,
option: "Yes"
const voteResult = DAO.vote(username, voteParams);
if (voteResult.success) {
console.log("Vote cast successfully.");
} else {
console.error("Failed to cast vote!");

Note that each user can only vote once per poll. If a user tries to vote again, the vote function will return an error. This ensures the fairness of the poll. Once the voting period is over, the poll results can be retrieved and applied. For instance, if the community voted to remove the post, the post can be deleted from the file system. This completes the basic setup for a decentralized Reddit-like platform on GRIDNET OS. The combination of a decentralized file system, the DAO API, and other built-in functions provide a flexible foundation for building various types of social media platforms.

XV. Autonomous, Decentralized Community Governance

In our decentralized Reddit-like platform, we can take advantage of the DAO API to implement decentralized governance. By leveraging the power of DAO, we can allow the community to self-moderate by voting on important decisions such as changing subreddit rules, removing posts, or banning users. We can even set up the DAO so that voting permissions are inherited down the file system tree, allowing the community to control individual posts, comments, or entire subreddits.

Here is a basic example of how this can be done:

Setting up the Subreddit

When a new subreddit is created, the owner of the subreddit can create a kernel-mode poll that represents the subreddit's rules. This poll can be associated with the root directory of the subreddit in the file system. The poll's options could be the potential rule sets for the subreddit.

// Create the subreddit
const subredditName = "mySubreddit";
// Create a poll for the subreddit rules
const pollParams = {
name: subredditName,
type: PollType.OWNERSHIP,
threshold: 1000,
oneTimeAction: false,
autoTrigger: true,
exclusive: true,
noinheritance: false
const createPollResult = DAO.createPoll(pollParams);
if (createPollResult) {
console.log("Poll created successfully. Poll ID: " + PollType.OWNERSHIP);
} else {
console.error("Failed to create poll!");

In the above code, we've created a new subreddit by creating a directory in the file system. Then, we've created a poll associated with that directory. The poll is of type OWNERSHIP, meaning that the result of the poll can change the ownership of the subreddit directory. The threshold for the poll is set to 1000 votes. This means that the result of the poll will not take effect until at least 1000 votes have been cast. The poll is not a one-time action, meaning that it can be reused. The poll will automatically trigger the action (changing the subreddit rules) once the threshold is reached.

Voting on Subreddit Rules

Once the poll is created, users can vote on the subreddit rules. The owner of the subreddit can provide different options for the users to vote on. Each option can represent a different set of rules. Users can vote on the options, and the option with the most votes will become the new subreddit rules.

// Cast a vote
const voteParams = {
name: 'subredditName/Rules1' // a file which corresponds to a set of rules
type: 10,
const voteResult = DAO.vote(username, voteParams);
if (voteResult.success) {
console.log("Vote cast successfully.");
} else {
console.error("Failed to cast vote!" );

This way, users can actively participate in the governance of the subreddit. The owner of the subreddit can provide a README file in the subreddit directory to describe the voting process and the different rule sets in particular files one of which is 'subredditName/Rules1'. Please notice that the actual rules are described within of files, the polls are attached to This ensures transparency and allows users to make informed decisions.

Applying the Result of the Vote

Once the voting period is over and the threshold is reached, the result of the vote will automatically take effect. The subreddit rules will be updated according to the winning option. The new rules will be applied to the subreddit directory and all of its subdirectories and files, because we have set the `noinheritance` parameter to `false` when creating the poll.

This feature of GRIDNET OS opens up endless possibilities for building decentralized platforms where users have the power to shape their own communities. With decentralized voting, we can ensure that the platform remains fair, transparent, and free from central control.

 Governance at the Post Level

The flexibility of the file system and the DAO API means governance doesn't have to stop at the subreddit level. The owner can set up polls at the post level as well. For example, if a user creates a post, they could also create a kernel-mode poll associated with that post. This could be used to decide if the post should be removed or not.


Here is how this could be done:

// User creates a new post
const postName = subredditName + "/myPost";
Filesystem.writeFile(postName, "This is a new post.");
// Create a poll for the post
const postPollParams = {
name: postName,
type: PollType.REMOVE,
threshold: 500,
oneTimeAction: true,
autoTrigger: true,
exclusive: true,
noinheritance: false
const postPollResult = DAO.createPoll(postPollParams);
if (postPollResult.success) {
console.log("Post poll created successfully. Poll ID: " + PollType.REMOVE);
} else {
console.error("Failed to create post poll!");

In this code, we've created a new post by writing a file in the subreddit directory. Then, we've created a poll associated with that file. The poll is of type PollType.REMOVE , meaning that the result of the poll can delete the post. The threshold for the poll is set to 500 votes. This means that the post will not be deleted until at least 500 votes for deletion have been cast. The poll is a one-time action, meaning that once it is triggered, it cannot be reused.

 Voting on Post Removal

Just as with subreddit rules, users can vote on whether a post should be removed or not. The owner of the post can provide different options for the users to vote on.

// Cast a vote on the post
const postVoteParams = {
pollID: PollType.REMOVE
const postVoteResult = DAO.vote(username, postVoteParams);
if (postVoteResult.success) {
console.log("Vote on post cast successfully.");
} else {
console.error("Failed to cast vote on post!");

As with subreddit governance, users can actively participate in post moderation. Once the threshold of votes for the removal of the post is reached, the post will automatically be deleted.

This hierarchical and democratic system of governance on a decentralized Reddit-like platform on GRIDNET OS can be scaled to any level, from global site rules to individual post management, all under the control of the user community.

Delegated Moderation

If the owner of a subreddit wants to offload some of the moderation duties, they can easily do so by granting permission to trusted individuals in the community. The `setfacl` command can be used to give specific users permissions on specific directories.


For instance, the owner could give moderation privileges (write and delete permissions) to a user on a specific subreddit folder:

// Provide moderation privileges to a user
CHOWN subredditName -R "moderator_username";
SETFACL subredditName -m "user:moderator_username:rw" -R;

In this command, the `-R` option indicates that the command should be recursive, meaning it should apply to all files and directories within the specified directory. The `rw` permissions mean that the user can read and write files in the directory, allowing them to moderate the content.

Autonomous Community Actions

Another exciting possibility is creating scripts that react autonomously to community actions. For instance, a script could be set up to automatically create a poll whenever a post gets a certain number of reports.

Here's how this could be implemented:

// A function that creates a deletion poll for a post
function createDeletionPoll(postName) {
const pollParams = {
name: postName,
type: PollType.REMOVE,
threshold: 50,
oneTimeAction: true,
autoTrigger: true,
exclusive: true,
noinheritance: false
const pollResult = DAO.createPoll(pollParams);
if (pollResult.success) {
console.log("Deletion poll created successfully. Poll ID: " + PollType.REMOVE);
} else {
console.error("Failed to create deletion poll!");
// Listen for report events
EventEmitter.on("report", (postName, reports) => {
if (reports >= 10) {
// If a post gets 10 or more reports, create a deletion poll

In this code, we've set up an event listener that reacts to "report" events. If a post gets reported 10 or more times, it triggers the creation of a deletion poll for the post.

Decentralized UI Actions

The GRIDNET OS provides complete freedom in terms of how you want to divide your logic between JavaScript and GridScript++. For instance, you can handle all user actions and UI rendering in JavaScript and use GridScript++ only for file system operations and DAO actions.

Here is a simplified example of how a user's action in the UI can lead to a GridScript++ operation:

// Handle button click in the UI
document.querySelector("#upvoteButton").addEventListener("click", () => {
// Invoke GridScript++ operation for upvoting a post
VMContext.evaluate("DAO.vote('" + username + "', { pollId: '" + pollId + "', option: 'Upvote' });");

In this JavaScript code, we've set up an event listener on a button in the UI. When the button is clicked, it invokes a GridScript++ operation for upvoting a post.

The choice of how much logic to implement in JavaScript versus GridScript++ is entirely up to the developer. The powerful combination of JavaScript and GridScript++ on GRIDNET OS allows for the creation of fully decentralized social media platforms with complete community governance and control.

XVI. Customized Experience with HTML and CSS

Utilizing the power of HTML and CSS on the GRIDNET OS platform gives developers the freedom to create unique and appealing user experiences for their decentralized Reddit. The UI of each subreddit can be customized to cater to the theme and audience of that subreddit. For instance, a subreddit dedicated to nature photography can have a user interface that is rich in visuals and dynamic elements, while a subreddit for book reviews can focus more on text-based interaction.

<!-- A simplistic example of a customized subreddit layout -->
<div id="subredditContainer">
<header id="subredditHeader">
<h1>Nature Photography</h1>
<main id="postsContainer">
<!-- Posts are dynamically added here -->

With the combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and GridScript++, you can create an engaging and interactive user experience that rivals any traditional social media platform.

Set out for a freedom-oriented journey, the time is now!

User Interaction Tracking

User interactions, like upvotes, comments, and post creations, can be tracked in real-time using GridScript++. For instance, developers can track the number of upvotes a post receives and update the user interface accordingly.

Here's an example of how to listen for upvotes and update the UI:

// Listen for upvotes
EventEmitter.on("upvote", (postId, votes) => {
// Update the UI with the new vote count
var postElement = document.querySelector('#post-' + ${postId});
if (postElement) {
postElement.querySelector('.voteCount').textContent = ${votes};

This code listens for "upvote" events and updates the corresponding post's vote count in the user interface.

XVII. Security and Anonymity

One of the advantages of decentralization is the enhanced security and anonymity it offers. With GRIDNET OS, user data is stored in a decentralized manner, which significantly reduces the risk of data breaches. The owner of a subreddit has full control over who can access and contribute to the data. Moreover, users can contribute anonymously, if they wish, since GRIDNET OS does not require any personal information to interact with the system. This can encourage open and honest discussions without the fear of retaliation or censorship.


Creating a decentralized Reddit-like platform with the combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and GridScript++ on GRIDNET OS offers countless possibilities. Developers are given the freedom and tools to create unique, secure, and community-driven social media platforms. The future of social media could very well be decentralized, providing users with more control, privacy, and freedom of speech.


XVIII. Tipping and Monetization

With the power of the GridScript ecosystem, developers have a wide range of options to implement various monetization strategies. One of the most common strategies in online communities is user tipping. Tipping not only encourages creators to continue creating quality content but also creates a sense of community and mutual support. The `send` GridScript command is a straightforward way to enable user tipping in our decentralized Reddit. Here is an example:

// Tipping action from user
function tipUser(username, amount) {
VMContext.evalGS(`send ${username} ${amount} -GNC`);

This command sends `amount` of GNC (GridNet Coin) from the currently logged-in user to `username`. This method can be tied to a user action such as clicking a 'tip' button under posts or comments. A user prompt can be used to specify the amount of GNC to tip.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Unique User-Created Content

In the modern internet age, content creators often want to protect their unique content or even monetize it. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) provide a way to do this. NFTs represent ownership of unique pieces of content on the blockchain.


The `setmeta` GridScript command is used to associate meta-data with a file or a directory, turning it into an NFT. For example, a user might create a unique piece of digital art and wish to sell it on our decentralized Reddit. Here's how we can accomplish this:

// Assigning metadata to a unique file
setmeta artwork.jpg -name "Unique Digital Art" -URI "gridnet:/artwork.jpg" -desc "A one-of-a-kind digital artwork"

With this command, the file `artwork.jpg` is associated with an NFT named "Unique Digital Art", and a description is added. This command can only be executed by the owner of the file, and once set, the meta-data cannot be altered, securing the artwork's authenticity. Moreover, the 'chown' command can be used to transfer ownership of an NFT. For example, if a user buys an NFT, the ownership can be transferred to them:

// Transferring ownership of an NFT
chown BuyerUsername artwork.jpg

To ensure that the new owner will have access to the file after the ownership transfer, make sure to set explicit write access before changing ownership:

// Granting write access before changing ownership
setfacl artwork.jpg -m u:BuyerUsername:w

In addition to buying and selling NFTs, the community can also vote on them, much like posts and comments. This way, popular NFTs can get more visibility, incentivizing creators to produce high-quality content.


The use of the GridScript ecosystem, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript provides endless possibilities to developers creating decentralized social media platforms on the GRIDNET OS. The ability to create community-driven platforms, enhance user interaction, and implement monetization strategies like tipping and NFTs makes GRIDNET OS a strong contender for the future of decentralized social media.

XIX. SETMETA - for assigning legal rights and content protection

In the context of a decentralized Reddit, the `setmeta` utility provides a powerful mechanism to create, secure, and distribute NFTs. Let's dive deeper into how this could be used in our decentralized platform. Consider a subreddit dedicated to digital artwork. The users of this subreddit can create unique pieces of digital art and want to tokenize their work as NFTs for selling, trading, or simply proving authenticity.

Here's how it could be achieved:

Step 1. Upload Artwork

The artist uploads their artwork onto the decentralized file system. This can be a .jpg file, a .gif, or any other form of digital content. This file upload can be done through GridScript++ FileSystem API:

// Upload a piece of digital artwork
const artworkData = "...."; // binary data of the artwork
const uploadResult = Filesystem.writeFile("myArtwork.jpg", artworkData);
if (uploadResult.success) {
console.log("Artwork uploaded successfully.");
} else {
console.error("Failed to upload artwork:"+ uploadResult.error);

Step 2. Create an NFT

Once the artwork file is uploaded, it can be associated with an NFT using `setmeta`. This is where the magic happens:

// Transform the uploaded artwork into an NFT
setmeta myArtwork.jpg -name "My Unique Artwork" -URI "gridnet:/myArtwork.jpg" -desc "This is a unique digital artwork created by me."

In this command, `myArtwork.jpg` is turned into an NFT with a unique name and a description. The `-URI` option points to the artwork file in the decentralized file system. The file is now associated with an NFT that represents unique ownership of the artwork.

Note: The 'setmeta' command can only be executed by the owner of the file, and once the meta-data is set, it cannot be altered. This ensures the integrity and authenticity of the NFT.

Step 3. Set Legal Permissions

The creator of the NFT can specify what rights the owner of the NFT has. For instance, they might allow the owner to reproduce the artwork, sell it, display it publicly, etc. Here's how to set these permissions:

// Set legal permissions for the NFT
setmeta myArtwork.jpg -r false -s true -cu true -pu true -dw false

In this example, the NFT owner is not allowed to reproduce (`-r false`) or create derivative works (`-dw false`) from the artwork, but they are allowed to sell (`-s true`), use commercially (`-cu true`), and display publicly (`-pu true`).

Step 4. Transfer of Ownership

Once the NFT is created, the ownership can be transferred to a buyer through the `chown` command. Before transferring ownership, ensure the buyer has write access to the file:

// Granting write access before changing ownership
setfacl myArtwork.jpg -m u:BuyerUsername:w
// Transferring ownership of an NFT
chown BuyerUsername myArtwork.jpg

This way, the artwork, represented by the NFT, is sold, and the ownership is transferred to the buyer.

Overall, the `setmeta` utility, along with other GridScript commands, provides a robust mechanism to implement NFT functionality in our decentralized Reddit platform. It allows users to tokenize their unique creations, control the permissions associated with their NFTs, and engage in a new form of decentralized, blockchain-secured digital art marketplace.

XX. Advanced Topics and Special Cases

The powerful feature set of GridScript and GridScript++ enables handling complex scenarios and edge cases involving inheritance and automatic actions. These can range from setting access control permissions on a deeply nested file hierarchy to automatically triggering actions based on community-driven decisions.

A. Handling Inheritance in GridScript and GridScript++

Inheritance in the context of GridScript refers to how permissions propagate through a hierarchy of files and directories. This is a fundamental concept in file system security, and GridScript and GridScript++ provides a powerful and flexible way to handle it.

For instance, you may want to create a decentralized application where users have read and write access to their individual home directories, but only read access to a shared directory. This scenario could be handled through chown and setfacl commands, ensuring permissions are set correctly at each level of the file hierarchy.

The setfacl command is especially useful for handling inheritance. It lets you set permissions at any level of the file hierarchy and control whether those permissions should be inherited by subdirectories and files. For instance, a setfacl -m u:lisa:w command can be used to grant a specific user, say Lisa, write access to a particular directory. If Lisa needs similar permissions in all subdirectories, the '-R' flag can be used for recursive operation, ensuring that permissions are inherited.

B. Handling Automatic Actions in GridScript and GridScript++

GridScript also shines when it comes to automatically triggering actions based on community-driven decisions. The DAO API, available in GridScript++, is specifically designed to facilitate this process.

Consider a scenario where a decentralized Reddit-like platform has been built on top of GRIDNET OS. The platform allows users to create and moderate their subreddits, with the content being controlled not by central administrators but by the community itself. This democratic approach to content moderation is achieved through the innovative use of DAO API.

GridScript++ offers the functionality to create a poll for each post or comment, with users being able to vote on whether the content stays or is removed. The 'DAO.createPoll', 'DAO.vote', and 'DAO.activatePoll' functions are used to set up and carry out this process. Once the poll reaches a certain threshold, the remove action can be triggered automatically, removing the content without any need for manual intervention.

Automatic actions, thus, can provide a seamless and efficient approach to managing community-driven platforms, enabling fair and transparent operations. GridScript and GridScript++ offers the capabilities to handle such complex scenarios, making them ideal for building robust, decentralized applications. GridScript's inherent flexibility and power come to the fore in handling such advanced topics and special cases, offering developers an unprecedented level of control and customization over their decentralized applications.

C. Real-Time Feedback through Decentralized Processing Threads and Deferred Authentication

One of the unique aspects of the GRIDNET OS, driven by GridScript and GridScript++, is its ability to provide real-time feedback to users. In most traditional systems, ensuring real-time responses in a decentralized environment can be challenging due to the inherent latencies of peer-to-peer communications. However, GRIDNET OS overcomes this through the innovative use of Decentralized Processing Threads (DPTs) and Deferred Authentication.


Decentralized Processing Threads are essentially independent computational units executing on the network. They are capable of processing actions in parallel, increasing overall system performance and responsiveness. In the context of a decentralized Reddit-like platform, this means that user actions like posting comments, voting on posts, and moderating content can all be executed simultaneously, leading to an efficient and seamless user experience. The other pivotal aspect of GRIDNET's real-time capability is the concept of Deferred Authentication. Typically, actions in a decentralized network require validation or authentication, a process that can lead to significant latencies. However, GRIDNET OS employs a deferred authentication mechanism, wherein user actions are executed immediately, and the authentication process takes place in the background. In practical terms, this means that when a user performs an action, such as casting a vote on a post, they see the effect of their vote instantly, even though the actual authentication and validation of the vote are happening asynchronously. This is made possible by a sophisticated system of certificates and signatures that ensure the integrity and authenticity of every action, without causing delay in user feedback.

Combined, the Decentralized Processing Threads and Deferred Authentication provide a fast, real-time experience that is usually difficult to achieve in a decentralized environment. This results in a smooth, responsive user interface that rivals that of centralized systems while maintaining the benefits of decentralization. This makes GridScript and GridScript++ an ideal choice for building decentralized social media platforms, providing a user experience that is both dynamic and real-time, in a fully decentralized setting.

XXI. Integration with External Systems

One of the greatest strengths of GRIDNET OS is its ability to interface with external systems. A particularly powerful example of this is the integration with decentralized file storage systems, such as Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS). With IPFS, files aren't retrieved by their location on a specific server, but rather by the content itself. This makes it a great match for the decentralized nature of GRIDNET OS, as it supports the overarching aim of ensuring data remains user-controlled and resilient.


The `setmeta` utility in GridScript is crucial in this integration. It can be used to set a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that points to the location of a file stored on an external server or a decentralized storage network like IPFS. This means that you can store large files on IPFS and link to them in your GRIDNET OS application, keeping the application lightweight and fast.

Here is an example of how you might use `setmeta` to set the URI of a file stored on IPFS:

// Sets the URI of an NFT to the IPFS location of the file
setmeta NFTFile1 -URI "ipfs://QmXnnyufdzAWL5CqZ2RnSNgPbvCc1ALT73s6epPrRnZ1Xy"

In this example, `NFTFile1` is the file within our GRIDNET OS application, and the -URI option is used to set its location to an IPFS address. Now, whenever someone interacts with `NFTFile1` in our application, they will be accessing the file stored on IPFS.

This powerful feature allows developers to make use of the vast array of existing data on decentralized storage networks, while also providing the option to offload heavier data storage tasks to specialized systems. It ensures that GRIDNET OS can integrate seamlessly with the wider ecosystem of decentralized technology.

XXII. Summary

This guide has sought to introduce the dynamic and transformative potential of the GRIDNET OS, GridScript, and GridScript++ for building decentralized social media platforms. These tools, backed by a novel decentralized operating system, present a significant leap in the capabilities of peer-to-peer technologies.

With GRIDNET OS and its accompanying programming languages, developers gain the ability to:

  • Create a truly decentralized infrastructure: By eliminating the need for centralized databases and hosting providers, GRIDNET OS enables the creation of platforms that are resistant to censorship and external control.
  • Implement intricate file systems: With the GridScript++ FileSystem API, developers can design complex and organized hierarchies to store user posts, comments, and votes, just as you would in a traditional Reddit-like platform.
  • Set granular permissions: The CHOWN and SETFACL commands allow developers to set detailed access rights and ownership rules for files and directories, providing users with control and privacy.
  • Incorporate real-time feedback: Through Decentralized Processing Threads and Deferred Authentication, users can witness the impact of their actions in real time, which is unprecedented in decentralized environments.
  • Develop rich user interfaces: By using JavaScript alongside GridScript and GridScript++, developers can create interactive and dynamic UIs that react to user interactions.
  • Incorporate community governance: With the DAO API in GridScript++, platforms can facilitate democratic decision-making, such as content moderation and subreddit governance.
  • Monetize and secure content: Tipping and NFT functionality can be integrated directly into the platform, fostering creator economy and securing digital artwork.
  • Experiment with hybrid implementations: Developers can choose to write logic in either JavaScript or GridScript and GridScript++, allowing for a flexible development experience tailored to their needs.

These advantages underscore GRIDNET OS, GridScript, and GridScript++ as an exciting and groundbreaking toolkit for developing the next generation of decentralized social media platforms.

XXIII. Getting Started

To get started with GRIDNET OS and its innovative programming languages, we invite you to check out our other tutorials:

  • Deploying Your Hello World UI dApp: A step-by-step guide to deploying your first UI dApp on GRIDNET OS. Available here.
  • Introductory Tutorial to GridScript++: A comprehensive introduction to GridScript++, taking you through the key features and use cases of this language. Availabe here.
  • Detailed Documentation of CVMContext: An in-depth overview of the CVMContext object, which lies at the heart of client-side portions of GRIDNET OS's UI dApps. Available here.
  • Detailed Documentation of Swarms API: a groundbreaking, decentralized, cross-browser communication mechanism built atop of WebRTC and powered by a unique Zero Knowledge Proof protocol. Available here.
  • GRIDNET OS is decentralized, that means anyone can contribute their computational power -  all contributors earn assets for doing so. Get to know how to do so here.
  • Join the forums and ask for your Special Welcome Package. You would receive assets which would get you going. It's 100% free for the first 10 00 visitors. Feel invited to do so here.

We're excited to see what you will build using GRIDNET OS and look forward to witnessing the revolution in decentralized social media that you will lead!

XXIV Grants

Got an itch for coding? Got a revolutionary idea? Or perhaps you're a full-time dreamer with a head full of next-gen apps? Well, it's time to roll up your sleeves, because we've got something exciting for you!

We at GRIDNET OS are launching our development grants program! That's right, we're looking for visionaries who dare to build atop our groundbreaking decentralized operating system. We're looking for pioneers, trailblazers, and rebels who're ready to shape the future of the digital world! But what's in it for you, you ask? Well, apart from the thrill of working with cutting-edge technology and making a tangible difference, you'll be generously rewarded! With our development grants, we're not just fueling your creative fires, we're also making sure you're well-compensated for your time, effort, and innovation.

Details about this golden opportunity are on the way, so stay tuned! Meanwhile, why not join our bustling forums and mingle with like-minded innovators? Ask for the welcoming package and get started on this exciting journey. As a bonus, you'll even receive a stash of crypto assets for free to help you hit the ground running. We believe in giving you a head start, after all!

So what are you waiting for? Come join us in redefining the digital world, one decentralized app at a time! Remember, the future is not just to be predicted, it's to be created. And the tools are now in your hands. Let's create the future together with GRIDNET OS!




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